Hurricane and Severe Storm Preparedness Part III

Being prepared for any severe weather event takes planning and preparation. Cold Weather Severe Storm Preparedness has a few more necessities such as more clothing for warmth, more fuel options for warmth, snow blowers, snow shovels and snow mobiles.
This Check list is just a Reminder and Guideline for what you need to think about each year. Since your area and home is unique, make additions and changes as needed. But DO SOMETHING! Don’t wait till the storm is coming. Prices go up, availability of materials diminishes, panic sets in and time is too short to really get it all completed before the storm hits.
Yearly Check List Part II:
Always Hire Professionals if you are dealing with roofs, fireplaces, chimneys, gutters, trees, electrical issues and more. BE SAFE.
Check your Roof and Patio Covers: Give your roof a good once over to make certain the shingles are laying flat and not curling up in places. The NOAA site has several good ideas for securing shingles that are not adhering properly to the underlayment. But the main thing is to get a professional roofer to do any repairs or replacements on your roof!
Clean out Gutters: Since rainfall is going to be an issue get them cleaned out. Clogged gutters cause other problems such as leaks into attics, walls, living spaces and more. Professionals again can be your best option here.
Check your Fireplace and Chimney: Clogged flumes can cause house fires; smoke damage and roof damage so play it safe and call a chimney sweep in to care for your chimney.
Garage Doors: Make certain your garage doors are rated for winds. If not there are kits your can purchase to make them more secure in high wind situations. Reinforce doors at their weakest points.
Doors: Entry doors can be weak if they are not properly installed. Make certain that double doors have one of the pair fitted with head and foot bolts as well as a dead bolt lock 1” long or longer. Each door needs at least three hinges for more security.
Vehicles: Are they ready for a long trip in slow moving traffic? Are they fueled and ready to go on a moment’s notice? Well, what are you waiting for?
Final post coming with more tips & information! Be Safe!

1 comment:

V. Wright said...

I'll tell you that gutters can collect a lot of stuff in a really short period of time. I really need to put cleaning those out in the calendar to be done more often. Thanks for the reminder.