Are you Ready for a New Hurricane Season?

Well, Hurricane Season is here again and will be here until November 31st! Are you prepared for a hurricane or any other severe storm? Hurricanes are not the only storms that cause damage and changes in our lives for days or even years! So now, think ahead if you live in a northern climate with snow and ice storms, or in the mid-west with Tornadoes and floods. Whether it is an earth quake or a severe thunder storm, we all need to have some advance preparation.

Do you have a storm survival kit for each member of your family including the pets? Do you have a severe storm evacuation plan for your home in case of storm damage? How about a plan of what to do in case of an mandatory evacuation of your area due to storms? Where will you go? What about your pets? Do you have a horse?
Do you have your important documents in a safe location? Do you have copies of these papers with a family member or friend in another area of the country?
Do you have medical needs that require medications on a daily or weekly basis? Do you have medical needs that require electricity? Do you have a generator? How is it fueled? What can it support? How long will your fuel last? Do you have an outside place to keep the generator?
Do you have a portable cook stove for boiling water & making hot food? Flashlights? Batteries? Solar lights?
Do you have a food supply that does not require refrigeration? Do you have a well or other source for water?
Do you have a chain saw, axe, clippers and such that are not electric? Do you have shutters for your windows and doors? Do you know when to put them on your windows?
Do you know where the safe place is in your home in case of high winds? Does the family know?
Do you have neighbors that might need your help? Do you need help with heavy items?
Did you know that if two people can pick up an item in your yard, so can wind? So where are you going to store all that lawn furniture and hanging baskets and such?

I know this sounds like a lot of things to think about, but having lived through 4 Hurricanes in Florida during 2004, I have a good feel for what happens during severe weather. Being prepared is the only way to enter storm season. Don't wait until the last minute to get your supplies! Do it now and rest easy the rest of the season!

1 comment:

V Wright said...

Storm season ... You have hurricanes, and I live in Tornado Alley. EVERYTHING you mention is so important. I actually need a larger storm shelter as it won't house 7 dogs, 1 cat, 3 adults, and 2 kids! :)