Tips for a Healthy December

This is such a busy time of year! Holiday parties, Christmas pageants, choral presentations, children's parties, charity function, visits from distant friends and relatives, work, housework, and so much more. I am tired just thinking about all that has to get done in the next few weeks!
But I want to be able to enjoy this busy month and feel good while being so busy. I have learned through the years to do a few things that make life better and healthier for me, while giving me restful nights and energetic days.

First of all I make certain I get a good night's sleep. Sleep is important since it is a time for renewal and recovery. Our body needs this time to renew, detoxify and rest. Hormones are released, systems are regulated and we are prepared for the next day. So get your 8 hours!

Fuel is also important during busy, stressful times days. We need to look at food as fuel for our bodies instead of treats for our mouths! Hard to do with all the goodies that assail our senses. However, the need for good protein, fiber, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, whole food supplements and lots of fresh filtered water.

To avoid filling up on too many sweets, empty calories and carbohydrates, eat a light meal of good protein, fresh fruits and vegetables before you head to an event. Having the proper fuel for your body will let you choose a treat or two at the party without eating a whole tray of brownies! And none of us wants to add more pounds during the holidays.

I keep my Cinch Soy Protein shakes and snack bars with me during the day. Eating lots of small meals keeps my fuel levels up and the treat threat down! Now don't get me wrong, I love sugar cookies, brownies, fudge and more. Unfortunately, when I over indulge in these treats I feel bad, gain weight and don't function as well as when I keep my protein levels up to balance the sweet treats.

Exercise goes right along with handling stress and resting well during the holidays. Walk your dog, take the kids to the park, walk around one of the big stores or malls if the weather is not favorable, use the Wii Fit programs or what ever you have on hand. Just move for 30 minutes each day to relieve the stress and work off a few of those treats.

I hope you enjoy your holiday season, have fun at all your parties and children's events. Take time to enjoy your family and friends. Don't worry about the small stuff! Have fun and Stay Well!