Peanuts: Part- 2---- A Powerful Source for Healthy Snacks

Peanuts, such a wonderful little treat in the middle of the morning with a cup of tea—crunchy, slightly salty and very satisfying. Of course, there have been many early mornings when a piece of thin wheat bread has been spread with my favorite Peanut Butter, and munched on as a quick breakfast. Then there are days when by mid-afternoon, a cored apple filled with peanut butter is the perfect snack. Yummy.
--As we found in Part I of this series on Peanuts, there was a lot of good news about Peanuts! Rich in Fiber, low in Cholesterol, aids in reduction of Cholesterol, Rich in L-Arginine- an amino acid that helps maintain healthy arteries, and a great source of protein.
But we are not finished with the wonders of Peanuts! Here's More!
Peanuts Provide:
· Resveratrol--
Have low levels of Resveratrol, the compound in red wine linked to reduced heart disease & other diseases of aging
· Lower risk for Diabetes---Research has shown peanuts significantly hinder development of Type II diabetes in women
· Low Glycemic Index---Peanuts have one of the lowest glycemic indexes of all foods, good news for sportspeople and diabetics
· Many Essential Vitamins and Minerals--Contain vitamins B6, E, folic acid & the Minerals magnesium, copper, zinc & selenium
· Cancer Fighting Properties---Peanuts contain phyto-chemicals which have anti-cancer & anti-oxidant properties linked to reducing risk for heart disease

-- Now that you know more about Peanuts and how wonderful they are for you, here is a Quick Snack Recipe. Get an Ice Cream Bowl and fill with a scoop or two of Vanilla Ice Cream. Top with your favorite Peanut Butter. Microwave for about 10 seconds. Drizzle Chocolate Sauce on top! Yummy...
-- Stay Tuned for my final post in this Series on Peanuts! Part 3 --


Anonymous said...

I like your blog! Great articles!
Jeanie Watkins

Anonymous said...

I like your header, beautiful' That recipe for ice cream sound yummy. I like to add chocolate chips with the peanut butter & dizzle on top.

Anonymous said...

Like your blog and content! I especially was interested in use of peanuts! I am going to start using them in my daily routine!