Taking Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is getting to be more and more important. As we age, the chances of disease increase. And our medical cares is not set up for prevention. As great as our US medical care system is, the system's focus in on disease management, not prevention.
To help stay healthier longer, we have to take responsibility for our health and make healthy choices for food, lifestyle, sleep, and attitude among others. How do we find answers to make those choices easier and lasting?
1. First of all, we have to educate ourselves. Read as much as we can on health, healthy lifestyles, healthy eating, healthy exercises. Education is power.
2. And when we combine knowledge with good choices we can enjoy healthier living. Making good choices becomes easier as we see results.
3. Reward good changes. Find ways to celebrate those good changes and the results those changes bring.
4. Keep records of what your health issues are and how they are changed as your eating, exercise and lifestyle changes impact your health in positive measures.

Realize that changes in health can be subtle. Little things such as sleeping better, longer may not be noticed, but that change can make a big difference in how we feel each day, our mood, our ability to concentrate, make decisions and more. So keep a diary for 6 months or a year and record those positive changes and the affects those little shifts in lifestyle have on your overall health! Stay Well! Elise

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