Need Funds? Think out of the Box!

We all are feeling the impact of this irritating economy. The jobless rate is very high. Teachers are being laid-off, corporate professionals no longer have a company to work with anymore, college and high school graduates also are looking for jobs.
The under-employed rate is also high, we had over-trained people flipping burgers since their corporate jobs have disappeared.

Then there are the people who have given up looking for work. The odds of a person in their late 50's and into their 60's getting a new job are almost nil. Sad.

Now our charities are suffering too. Funds are tight, resources have faded or disappeared. But the need for their services is increasing. More people are needing more help.
So what do we do? Where do we turn?

Ready to think out of the BOX? Ready to try something new? Shaklee has a NEW pay plan that is called the Dream Plan. Cash, Cars, Trips and Dreams! And in this new plan there are many opportunities to make money while working towards trips, new cars and financial security for yourself and others! Who do you know that needs more money each month? Who do you know where $1,000 to $5,000 a month would make a difference? Who do you know who needs a new car? Who do you know who likes to travel, but haven't been able to travel in this current economy? I invite you to explore the Shaklee Lifestyle!

There is also a new Fundraising component now that you can share with your favorite local charities to help them create a sustainable stream of income to support their programs. This program is open to non-profit and tax-exempt organizations.
Break out of the Box and Dream Big Again!

How Many M&M's do you Eat?

I know it is an unusual question, but think about it, How Many M&M's do you eat at any one time? One at at time? Two at a time? Then some later in the day? Or do you eat handfuls at a time?
How we eat, what we eat, what we drink and more are the habits we have developed over the course of our lives. Many habits come from childhood. Others we picked up along the way either from roommates or spouses or lifestyle choices.
What are your habits? Do you even know what they are?
They could be good things like brushing your teeth, drinking water throughout the day to stay hydrated or walking up the steps instead of taking the elevator one floor. Maybe there are some bad habits in the bunch. Habits like having to clean your plate even though you are full, eating a candy bar mid-afternoon or skipping breakfast.

Now think back to my question on how you eat M&M"s. Most folks that I know eat those and other little candies by the handful, just popping a handful in their mouth and chomping away.
The reason I bring this up is that I get a weird response from these same people when I tell them I take 10 Alfalfa Complex tablets each day to keep from getting a sinus infection. these same M&M gobblers think that taking 10 aspirin size tablets is horrible! They would rather be sick, feel bad, have a runny nose, headache and such before taking a round of meds from the Dr. and loosing days from work. Now does that make sense to you? Does not make any sense to me!

Health is not something that I take lightly. I focus on prevention, not masking of symptoms. I would rather stay well and take precautions than medication. Disease management is not my thing.

So the next time you shy away from taking much needed supplements because you would have to take more than one tablet, remember how you eat M&M's and make a change!
You owe it to yourself to make good choices for your future health.
Stay well and have some Alfalfa Complex! Elise